Misty Dyson

Misty Dyson
Courtesy the Artist


Misty Dyson is a beader from Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL, who works with glass beads to create a variety of objects, from earrings to lanyards, badge reels and phone grips. Dyson began beading in August of 2020, teaching herself by watching Youtube videos. She sells her creations primarily through her Instagram page, @_ullakdesigns_.

Dyson had originally wanted to learn to bead because she found it difficult to find the type of jewellery she wanted to wear in her own community, but in pandemic lockdowns learning to bead became a way to occupy her time. She was inspired by close friend and fellow creator Tegan Voisey of The Littlest Inuksuk to create a professional Instagram page and start selling her creations.

Earrings are Dyson’s favourite object to make, since they’re the jewellery she likes to wear herself. Her badge reels were inspired by a close friend, a nursing student who mentioned that she needed a badge reel for work; Dyson made her one, and incorporated the style into her range. “I’m just growing as I go,” [1] she says of her expanding range of items and beading techniques.  In most of her work, Dyson creates beaded rings around a central object, called a “cab.” Sometimes these cabs are made of larger beads, but Dyson also frequently purchases plastic or resin cabs with unique designs from local makers. From 2023 onwards, Dyson began incorporating more natural materials in her beading, such as caribou antler, sealskin and rabbit fur.

While the majority of Dyson’s sales come through her Instagram page, she has had success selling through local (virtual) craft fairs, and recently completed a 12 piece assorted collection of items to sell at one. When asked what’s next for her, she says “I just want to keep improving.”


This Profile was made possible through support from RBC Emerging Artists.

Artist Work

About Misty Dyson



Artistic Community:

Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Nunatsiavut, Inuit Nunangat

Date of Birth:

Artists may have multiple birth years listed as a result of when and where they were born. For example, an artist born in the early twentieth century in a camp outside of a community centre may not know/have known their exact date of birth and identified different years.