About Us

The Inuit Art Foundation is your home for Inuit art
As the only national organization dedicated to supporting Inuit artists working in all media and geographic areas, the Inuit Art Foundation has sought to empower and support Inuit artists’ self-expression and self determination, while increasing the public's access to and awareness of artists’ work for more than 31 years.

For over three decades, the IAF's flagship program has been the award-winning Inuit Art Quarterly (IAQ). Focused on the arts and artists of Inuit Nunangat, the IAQ is the only publication dedicated to the advancement and appreciation of Inuit and circumpolar Indigenous arts and is widely considered one of the most significant voices for Indigenous art in the world. The IAQ’s reach includes the print publication, the IAQ Online and the IAQ Profiles.

The IAF also manages the Kenojuak Ashevak Memorial Award as well as the Watt Scholarship to ensure Inuit voices are amplified and lead discussions of Inuit art.

By Jamasee Pitseolak - Aroara (2012) Stone, caribou antler, ivory, dye and metalJamasee Pitseolak Aroara (2012) Stone, caribou antler, ivory, dye and metal 31.8 x 55.9 x 19 cmCOLLECTION BMO FINANCIAL GROUP PHOTO TONY HAFKENSCHEID ALL IMAGES REPRODUCED WITH PERMISSION DORSET FINE ARTS

Bringing Inuit Art to the World

The IAQ and the Inuit Art Foundation work to make sure Inuit artists' voices are heard and their works are seen around the world. For those just starting to learn about Inuit art, we've amassed a list of articles that speak to the rich history of art-making by Inuit.

Learn About Inuit Art

By Inuit artists

The Inuit Art Foundation is led by Inuit, who have filled the majority of positions on the IAF’s Board of Directors since 1994. The Board, which is comprised of artistically and geographically diverse leaders in their respective fields from across Canada, ensures that the IAF's mandate supports artists within and outside of Inuit Nunangat.

Meet Our Team 

The Inuit Art Foundation Board of Directors with 2018 KAMA recipient Laakkuluk Williamson Bathory

The Inuit Art Foundation Board of Directors with 2018 KAMA recipient Laakkuluk Williamson Bathory, Toronto, 2018.
Photo Red Works Photography
Supporting the work of Inuit artists across Canada

The IAF incorporated in 1987 to provide access to the artwork being produced across Inuit Nunangat; provide a dedicated platform for discussions of Inuit art; provide direct support to artistic development and serve as an advocate for the needs of artists.

See Our Impact

1991 Nain
Left to right: William Nochasak, Philip Hunter, Charlie Kogvik, Mattiusi Iyaituk and Michael Massie, Nain, 1991Photo Inuit Art Foundation

For over thirty years, the Inuit Art Foundation has evolved its programming

Since its founding, the IAF has continuously evolved to meet the needs of artists.

Learn Our History

Niap drum dancing at the opening of her exhibition

drum dancing at the opening of her exhibition.

Serving Our Charitable Mission

The Inuit Art Foundation is dedicated to supporting Inuit artists. Its programs and programming are  developed in response to community needs. Program development is always led by Inuit feedback and guided by Inuit knowledge. The IAF embraces diversity and innovation, creating new paths to sustainable support that are transformational for Inuit artists and their art.

Read Our Strategic Plan

As a registered charity in both Canada and the United States, our finances are a matter of public record. You can find them both here on our website and through the Canada Revenue Agency.

Read our Financial Statements