Board of Directors


Heather Igloliorte

Heather Igloliorte

Heather Igloliorte is an Inuk scholar and independent curator who holds the University Research Chair in Indigenous Art History and Community Engagement at Concordia University. Her teaching and research interests center on Inuit and other Native North American visual and material culture, circumpolar art studies, performance and media art, the global exhibition of Indigenous arts and culture, and issues of colonization, sovereignty, resistance and resurgence, and she is the current Lead or Co-Investigator on several funded research projects related to this work. Igloliorte currently serves as the Co-Chair of the Indigenous Circle for the Winnipeg Art Gallery, working on the development of the new national Inuit Art Centre.

Reneltta Arluk
Vice-President Reneltta Arluk

Reneltta is an Inuvialuit, Dene and Cree from the Northwest Territories. She is a graduate of the University of Alberta’s BFA Acting program and founder of Akpik Theatre, a professional Indigenous Theatre company in the NWT. Under Akpik Theatre, Reneltta has written, produced, and performed various works focusing on decolonization and using theatre as a tool for reconciliation. This includes Pawâkan Macbeth, a Plains Cree adaptation of Macbeth written by Arluk on Treaty 6 territory.  Reneltta is the first Inuk and first Indigenous woman to direct at The Stratford Festival. She was awarded the Tyrone Guthrie – Derek F. Mitchell Artistic Director’s Award for her direction of the The Breathing Hole. Reneltta is Director of Indigenous Arts at BANFF Centre for Arts and Creativity.

Julie Grenier
Secretary-Treasurer Julie Grenier

Julie Grenier is an artist and professional from Kuujjuaq, Nunavik, QC, who currently resides in Notre-Dame-de-I'ile-Perrot, QC. After completing her BAC in Sociology from the University of Ottawa, she went on to complete her studies at the École Nationale de Police du Québec with a Certificate in Indigenous Policing. She is currently the Director General for Taqramiut Nipingat Incorporated (TNI), a regional radio and television production company that provides Inuktitut programming throughout Nunavik. She has also been appointed as the TNI representative for Esuma, a regional working group focusing on school perseverance and as their representative on APTN's Board of Directors, where she is currently Chair. Her artwork has been recognized internationally, including as part of the permanent exhibitions of the Museum of Man in Paris, France and in INUA, the inaugural exhibition at Qaumajuq, the Winnipeg Art Gallery's new Inuit art centre.

Isabelle Uyaralaaq Avingaq Choquette

Isabelle Uyaralaaq Avingaq Choquette recently graduated from the museum studies program at Collège Montmorency in Laval, QC. Born and raised in Terrebonne, her mother’s family is from Igloolik, NU and her father is French Canadian. Isabelle currently lives in Montreal where she works in the museology department of the Avataq Cultural Institute, taking care of the Nunavik Inuit Art Collection. Isabelle helped to organize the exhibition of works from Avataq’s collection at KWE! Meet with Indigenous Peoples in 2019. Isabelle’s interests include Inuit art and collections, the repatriation of Inuit collections to the North, and continuing to learn about Inuit cultures from the Circumpolar North. She hopes to one day move back to Nunavut with her family.

Linda Grussani

Linda Grussani

Linda Grussani is a member of the Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg and a second generation Italian-Canadian born and raised in Anishinabe Akì (Ottawa, ON). An arts administrator, art historian and curator, Linda is currently working full-time towards completing her PhD in Cultural Studies at Queen’s University with a focus on Indigenous representation in museums.  Over the last decade, Linda has held the position of Curator, Aboriginal Art at the Canadian Museum of History; Director, Indigenous Art Centre for Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC); and has worked in the Indigenous and Canadian art departments at the National Gallery of Canada.

Claudette Knight
Claudette Knight

Claudette Knight began her career as an elementary school teacher and has been working in Financial Services Industry for over twenty years. She is currently Vice President of Workplace Design and Experience at CIBC where she and her team create workplace experiences to enable employee collaboration and innovation and hospitality-inspired client spaces. Claudette is passionate about empowering financial, physical and emotional well-being in others. She is Executive Co-Sponsor of CIBC’s Black Employee Network and an ally of CIBC’s Indigenous Employee Circle, Pride Network and Women’s Network. Additionally, she has a doctorate in business administration and is a published academic in her research field of gender and leadership. Claudette is the Chair of the IAF's Human Resources Committee.

Michael Massie
Michael Massie

Michael Massie is a mixed-media artist based out of Kippens, NL, and recognized for his stone and metal sculptures, particularly his silver teapots. Massie’s work has helped to redefine the concept of Inuit art worldwide. Massie was elected as a Member of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts in 2011 and was appointed a Member of the Order of Canada in 2017. His work has been exhibited across Canada and internationally is in the permanent collection of many prestigious institutions in both Canada and the United States, including the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa, ON. Michael serves on the IAF's Human Resources Committee.

Ryan Rice

Ryan Rice

Ryan Rice, Kanien’kehá:ka of Kahnawake, is an independent curator and the Associate Dean, Academic Affairs in the Faculty of Liberal Arts / School of Interdisciplinary Studies at OCAD University. His curatorial career spans over 20 years, formerly serving as the Chief Curator at the IAIA Museum of Contemporary Native Arts and co-founding the Aboriginal Curatorial Collective. He received a Master of Arts in Curatorial Studies from Bard College; graduated from Concordia University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts and received an Associate of Fine Arts from the IAIA. Rice’s writing has been published in numerous periodicals and exhibition catalogues, and he has lectured widely.

Past Board of Directors


Heather Igloliorte, President 
Reneltta Arluk, Vice-President
Julie Grenier, Secretary-Treasurer
Jamie Cameron
Linda Grussani
Goretti Kakuktinniq
Claudette Knight
Michael Massie
Ryan Rice
Isabelle Uyaralaaq Avingaq Choquette, Director-In-Training


Heather Igloliorte, President 
Reneltta Arluk, Vice-President
Julie Grenier, Secretary-Treasurer
Jamie Cameron
Eric Anoee Jr.
Linda Grussani
Michael Massie
Ryan Rice



Heather Igloliorte, President 
Erica Lugt, Secretary-Treasurer
Reneltta Arluk
Jamie Cameron
Eric Anoee Jr.
Patricia Feheley
Michael Massie
Ryan Rice



Mathew Nuqingaq, President 
Sammy Kudluk, Vice-President
Beatrice Deer, Secretary-Treasurer
Jamie Cameron
Patricia Feheley
Heather Igloliorte
Helen Rose Kaloon



Mathew Nuqingaq, President 
Sammy Kudluk, Chair
Beatrice Deer, Secretary-Treasurer
Jamie Cameron
Patricia Feheley
Heather Igloliorte
Helen Rose Kaloon
Jimmy Manning
Laakkuluk Williamson Bathory


Jimmy Manning, President 
Sammy Kudluk, Chair
Mathew Nuqingaq, Secretary-Treasurer
Jamie Cameron
Patricia Feheley
Billy Gauthier
Helen Rose Kaloon
Okpik Pitseolak


Jimmy Manning, President 
Sammy Kudluk, Vice-President
Mathew Nuqingaq, Secretary-Treasurer
Barry Appleton, Chair
Patricia Feheley
Billy Gauthier
Helen Rose Kaloon
Okpik Pitseolak



Jimmy Manning, President 
Sammy Kudluk, Vice-President
Mathew Nuqingaq, Secretary-Treasurer
Barry Appleton, Chair
Patricia Feheley
Helen Rose Kaloon
Okpik Pitseolak



Jimmy Manning, President 
Helen Rose Kaloon
Sammy Kudluk
Mathew Nuqingaq
David Ruben Piqtoukun
Okpik Pitseolak
Barry Appleton, Chair
Patricia Feheley
Ingo Hessel



Jimmy Manning, President 
Helen Rose Kaloon
Sammy Kudluk
Mathew Nuqingaq
David Ruben Piqtoukun
Okpik Pitseolak
Barry Appleton, Chair
Patricia Feheley
Ingo Hessel



Mattiusi Iyaituk, President
Okpik Pitseolak, Vice-President
Mathew Nuqingaq, Secretary-Treasurer
Tony Atsanilk
Helen Kaloon
Elsie Klengenberg
Sammy Kudluk
Shirley Moorhouse
David Ruben Piqtoukun
John Terriak



Mattiusi Iyaituk, President
Okpik Pitseolak, Vice-President
Mathew Nuqingaq, Secretary-Treasurer
Tony Atsanilk
Elsie Klengenberg
Sammy Kudluk
Shirley Moorhouse
John Terriak



Mattiusi Iyaituk, President
Okpik Pitseolak, Vice-President
Mathew Nuqingaq, Secretary-Treasurer
Tony Atsanilk
Shirley Moorhouse
Siasi Smiler Irqumia
John Terriak


Mattiusi lyaituk, President
Okpik Pitseolak, Vice-President
Mathew Nuqingaq, Secretary-Treasure
Tony Atsanilk
Shirley Moorhouse
Siasi Smiler Irqumia
John Terriak


Mattiusi lyaituk, President
Okpik Pitseolak, Vice-President
Mathew Nuqingaq, Secretary-Treasurer
Gayle Gruben
Paul Malliki
Shirley Moorhouse
Tommy Palliser
John Terriak


Mattiusi lyaituk, President
Okpik Pitseolak, Vice-President
Mathew Nuqingaq, Secretary-Treasurer
Gayle Gruben
Jackussie Ittukalluk
Martha Koonoo 
Paul Maliki
Shirley Moorhouse
Nuna Parr
John Terriak


Mattiusi Iyaituk, President
Okpik Pitseolak, Vice-President
Mathew Nuqingaq, Secretary-Treasurer
Jackussie Ittukalluk
Martha Koonoo
Paul Maliki
Nuna Parr
John Terriak


Mattiusi Iyaituk, President
Okpik Pitseolak, Vice-President
Mathew Nuqingaq, Secretary-Treasurer
Inuk Charlie
Lucien Kabvitok
Nuna Parr
Derrick Pottle
John Terriak


Mattiusi Iyaituk, President
Okpik Pitseolak, Vice-President
John Terriak, Secretary-Treasurer
Adamie Ashevak
Ross Flowers
Jackussie Ittukallak
Sammy Kudluk
Nuna Parr
Doris Shadbolt (Honorary)


Mattiusi Iyaituk, President
Okpik Pitseolak, Vice-President
John Terriak, Secretary-Treasurer
Adamie Ashevak
Stanley Felix
Ross Flowers
Jackussie lttukalluk
Pauloosie Kanayook
Sammy Kudluk
Nuna Parr
Doris Shadbolt (Honorary)



Adamie Ashevak
Stanley Felix
Ross Flowers
Jackusi ltcukallak
Mattiusi lyaituk
Pauloosie Kanayook
Nuna Parr
Okpik Pitseolak
Gideon Qauqjuaq
John Terriak


Okpik Pitseolak, President
Mattiusi lyaituk, Vice-President
John Terriak, Secretary-Treasurer
Stanley Felix
Jackussie lttukallak
Shirley Moorhouse
Nuna Parr
Gideon Qauqjuaq
Doris Shadbolt (Honorary)


Mattiusi Iyaituk, President
Okpik Pitseolak, Vice-President
John Terriak, Secretary-Treasurer
Stanley Felix
Juanassie Jack Ittukallak
Shirley Moorhouse
Nuna Parr
Gideon Qauqjuaq
Doris Shadbolt (Honorary)


Mattiusi Iyaituk, President
Okpik Pitseolak, Vice-President
Stanley Felix, Secretary-Treasurer
Johnny Aculiak
Joe Kavik
Shirley Moorhouse
Gideon Quaqjuaq
John Terriak
Doris Shadbolt (Honorary)
Virginia Watt (Honorary)



Mattiusi Iyaituk, President
Okpik Pitseolak, Vice-President
Stanley Felix, Secretary-Treasurer
John Terriak, Past President
Elisapee Inukpuk
Elsie Klengenberg
Shirley Moorhouse
Eli Nasogaluak
Doris Shadbolt (Honorary)
Virginia Watt (Honorary)


John Terriak, President
Mattiusi Iyaituk, Vice-President
Doris Shadbolt, Secretary-Treasurer
Theresie Tungilik, Past President
Carol Bretzloff
J. James Ellerton
Stanley Felix
Natsiq Kango
Shirley Moorhouse
Okpik Pitseolak
Joseph Suqsluk
Aipili Qumaaluk
Virginia Watt (Honorary)



Theresie Tungilik, President
Doris Shadbolt, Secretary-Treasurer
John Terriak, Past President
Carol Bretzloff
Mattiusi Iyaituk
J. James Ellerton
Natsiq Kango
Charlie Kogvik
Okpik Pitseolak
Joseph Suqsluk
Natar Ungalaq
Virginia Watt



John Terriak, President
Theresie Tungilik, Vice-President
Doris Shadbolt, Secretary
J. James Ellerton, Treasurer
Virginia Watt, Past President
Mattiusi Iyaituk
Charlie Kogvik
Okpik Pitseolak
Simata Pitsiulak
Natar Ungalaq



Virginia Watt, President
Simata Pitsiulak, Vice-President 
Doris Shadbolt, Secretary
John Terriak, Treasurer 
Charlie Kogvik
J. James Ellerton
Okpik Pitseolak
Jobie Iqaluk
Theresie Tungilik
Joseph Suqsluk



Virginia Watt, President
Valda Blundell 
Mattiusi lyaituk
Charlie Kogvik 
Gerald McMaster
John Terriak 
Omalluk Oshutsiaq
Simata Pitsiulak 
Samuel Sarick
Doris Shadbolt



Manasie Akpaliapik
David Blackwood
Valda Blundell
George Gilmour
Gilbert Hay
Mattiusi lyaituk
Audrea Loreen-Wulf
Gerald McMaster
Eli Merkuratsuk
Paul Novalinga
Omalluq Oshutsiaq
Simata Pitsiulak
Samuel Sarick
Doris Shadbolt
Simon Taipana
Doug Todgham 
Virginia Watt



Gunther Abrahamson
Manasie Akpaliapik
David Blackwood
Jean Blodgett
Sandra Barz
George Gilmour
Gilbert Hay
Audrea Loreen-Wulf
Paul Novalinga 
Roy MacSkimming
Omalluq Oshutsiaq
Terry Ryan
Samuel Sarick
Doris Shadbolt
Simon Taipana
Doug Todgham
Barbara Tyler
Virginia Watt



Gunther Abrahamson
Jean Blodgett
Sandra Barz
Marc Denhez
George Gilmour
Roy MacSkimming
Marybelle Myers
Terry Ryan
Samuel Sarick
Barbara Tyler
Virginia Watt


Gunther Abrahamson
Jean Blodgett
Sandra Barz
Marc Denhez
George Gilmour
Avrom Isaacs
Roy MacSkimming
Marybelle Myers
Terry Ryan
Samuel Sarick
Barbara Tyler
Virginia Watt


Jean Blodgett
Gordon Cooper
Stephen Freedhoff
Avrom Isaacs
Roy MacSkimming
Terry Ryan
Samuel Sarick
Francis Sparshott
Virginia Watt