Anik Glaude
Karen Gorsline
Nelson Graburn, in honour of Aisaki Pallayat Sallumiut
Ronald and Yvonne Grapentine
John Hanjian and Carmen Nowak
Tekla Harms
Cary Hart
Sheila Hart, in honor of the many Inuit artists who have enriched my life through their work
Celia Harte
Lisa R. Hartman
Debrah and Brian Hirsch
Jane Horner
Warren Howard
Dr. Jacqueline Hynes
James and Linda Igloliorte
Aphantasia Indigo
Jeannette Jackson-Thompson, MSPH, PHD
Amy Jenkins
Sharon Jorgens
The Josie Family
Melinda Josie
Rozanne Junker
Jennipher Kean, in honour of Elizabeth O’Grady Anne Kearns
Jo-Ann Kolmes
M. A. Konantz
Larry and Joyce LaCroix
Kathryn Lagrandeur
Le Grand Élan
Nancy and Terry Lee
Rebecca Lee
Gordon Leggett
Nora Little, in honour of John A. and Irene Little, John F. Little and Mary Jo Little
Lois Loewen
Daryl Logan
Denis Longchamps
Dr. Marie Loyer
Peter Lyman
Mike and Cindy MacMillan
Catherine Madsen, in memory of Thomas and Winifred Madsen
Samia Madwar, in honour of Hazar Shawaf
Jure Manfreda
Evan and Dustin Maydaniuk
Paul Mayer
Roxanne McCaig
John A. McKendry
Alessandra Montefiore
Gary Nelson