Danielle Nokadlak

Danielle Nokadlak


Danielle Nokadlak is a jewellery and textile artist based in the Beaufort Delta, in the community of Inuuvik, Inuvialuit Settlement Region, NT. Nokadlak primarily creates jewellery—earrings, necklaces and brooches—and small crafts under her brand Nokadlak Inuit Crafts and Art. She works with bone, fur, fabric, beads, epoxy resin and moosehide. 

Nokadlak’s interest in art began when she was a child and watched her grandparents, Danny and Annie C. Gordon, Elders in Aklavik, Inuvialuit Settlement Region, NT, create. Her Daduk made knives and ulus, and her Aga sewed mukluks and beaded moosehide earrings. “I hope to be making crafts into my 80s like they still are.”[1] She continues to pass down this passion for art and artmaking to her children, who she has taught to make jewellery. Initially, Nokadlak started her artistic practice to make ends meet, but now it has grown into a passion that she continues to run and hopes to expand. She draws inspiration from all around her—sometimes from other artists and watching her children play and draw. “I try my best to have [art] show the Inuvialuit and how they used to live, how they love and how strong they are and can be.” 

Though she works with many materials, Nokadlak particularly likes working with bone. “I think caribou antler is my favorite to work with, because each cut piece is its own shape, color and style,” she says. Her earrings tend to be bold in shape and colour, often combining various materials and coloured beads. She likes to use many colours to appeal to a wide audience. Nokadlak is starting to expand her practice to fashion, wall art and tools. Recently, she has created a collection of elegant moose-antler combs. Carved in many different shapes, including hearts and ulus, the combs are smooth and contain grayish-brown colouring in the white bone. 

In 2024 she presented a jacket and dress at the fashion show at the Great Northern Arts Festival, and she regularly showcases her work at the Arctic Market in the Beaufort Delta. Also in 2024 she was a semi-finalist for the Pow Wow Pitch, a competition for Indigenous entrepreneurs in Canada that includes mentorship opportunities and funding. Nokadlak pitched her business to expand her practice. She hopes to participate in more fashion shows and runways in the future.

This Profile was made possible through support from RBC Emerging Artists. 

Artist Work

About Danielle Nokadlak


Jewellery, Textile

Artistic Community:

Inuuvik, Inuvialuit Settlement Region, Inuit Nunangat

Date of Birth:

Artists may have multiple birth years listed as a result of when and where they were born. For example, an artist born in the early twentieth century in a camp outside of a community centre may not know/have known their exact date of birth and identified different years.