Apply for an Igloo Tag License


Thank you for your interest in participating in the Igloo Tag Program. Please complete all applicable sections below. Carefully review the attached policies before signing and submitting this application to the IAF. If you have any questions about the program or the application process, please contact Blandina Makkik, the Igloo Tag Program Coordinator, at bmakkik [at] inuitartfoundation [dot] org or Bruce Uviluq, the Igloo Tag Program Facilitator, at buviluq [at] inuitartfoundation [dot] org.

Read Igloo Tag Policies

Please select the category of the IAF Igloo Tag Program you are applying for (select ONLY one):

Do you want permission to attach/replace Igloo Tags to secondary market Inuit art?

I submit this application to the Inuit Art Foundation (“IAF”) for me and/or my company/organization (“us” / “we”) to participate in IAF’s Igloo Tag Program (the “Program”). Whoever IAF accepts into the Program is bound to these policies (the “Policies”) and IAF’s conditions of acceptance: (i) Policy A - Igloo Tag Trademark Use Policy; (ii) Policy B - Tag and Marketing Policy; and the (iii) Policy C – Secondary Market Inuit Art Certification Policy and Declaration. These Policies are enclosed with this Application and are also available on IAF’s website. I/We understand and agree that IAF is under no obligation to accept anyone into the Igloo Tag Program.

I have read and understood the Policies. We agree that acceptance into the Program is in exchange for being bound by the Policies starting on the date of acceptance by IAF.