
Kajungiqsaut Grants is a new funding initiative dedicated to supporting Inuit working in the arts. Co-developed in partnership with the Canada Council for the Arts, Kajungiqsaut are accessible, culturally relevant funding that support Inuit creatives to pursue their many and multi-faceted ambitions - especially first-time applicants. Kajungiqsaut values self-determination, skills development, and the crucial time needed to dream, grow, and create throughout an individual’s journey in the arts. 

The Inuit Art Foundation is proud to support Inuit creatives through Kajungiqsaut and strongly encourages applicants from any stage in their artistic careers to apply! 


Funding Streams

Sutaarutit (To Gain Material)
Deadline: Monday, December 9, 2024 @11:59pm EST

Getting tools and materials to make work can be one of the first challenges artists face to creating new pieces. Sutaarutit builds on the IAF’s existing partnership with the Ontario Arts Council’s Indigenous Visual Artists' Materials grant and provides opportunities for artists to fund these purchases. Grants of $500 or $1,000 are available and emerging artists are strongly encouraged to apply. 

If you live inside Ontario, please apply through the OAC

Apply Now


Iniqarvik (To Have Space)
Coming Soon

All artists need room to breathe, time to think and experiment. Iniqarvik provides Inuit creatives from all disciplines the financial support to research, experiment, begin or complete new works, or plan future creations. Small scale proposals from all disciplines will be accepted for grants of $3,500.


Turaagaq (Vision)
Deadline: Sunday, December 1, 2024 @11:59pm EST

Turaagaq is designed for those who are planning larger projects and can help bring your creative visions to life. Proposals from all disciplines will be accepted for grants of $10,000 or $15,000. Priority will be given to proposals that demonstrate artistic vision and clear outcomes over those with a commercial focus.

Apply Now


Eligible Activities

The following activities are eligible through Sutaarutit: 

  • Purchasing artistic materials and supplies, including hunting tools for gathering natural materials
  • Travel costs for gathering natural materials
  • Delivery costs for transporting or shipping artistic materials and supplies

Any combination of the following activities are eligible through Iniqarvik and Turaagaq:

  • Creating and developing artworks 
  • Renting workspace
  • Training or mentorship opportunities to develop artistic skills
  • Creative residencies
  • Presenting artwork
  • Marketing artwork to presenters or audiences
  • Participating in arts events such as art fairs or pop-ups
  • Developing an artist website or portfolio
  • Publishing or self-publishing written materials such as novels, essays, poetry, zines, etc.


How to Apply

Applications will be accepted by email, mail, and via oral submission in English and Inuktut. All necessary translations will be provided by the IAF. See application forms for additional details.

You cannot submit applications to multiple streams. Please choose whichever stream best suits your needs.

We want to help you be successful in getting funding for your art practice! Here are some helpful hints to help you with writing your application. 

Helpful Hints



Applicant Eligibility

This program is open to Inuit who are actively working in the arts. We encourage applicants from all disciplines and career levels, which makes this perfect for first time applicants. Eligibility varies by funding stream and applicants must meet the eligibility criteria. Please see the application forms for full eligibility details.



An external, all-Inuit Peer Assessment Committee whose members represent diverse fields and practices within the broader Inuit arts community will assess applications.

Evaluation Criteria

Past Peer Assessors

Interested in becoming a Peer Assessor for IAF programs? Apply today!


Reporting Requirements

As outlined in the Terms and Conditions, applicants who receive a grant must complete what was proposed in their application within 12 months of receiving the funds.

In order to analyze the effectiveness of the program, the IAF asks recipients to fill out a brief Follow Up form. This will give applicants the opportunity to summarize the completed activities, how funds were used, and share feedback on how the IAF can make improvements to the program. This information will help inform future iterations of the program and how the IAF can continue to make improvements to better support Inuit creatives.

As an alternative or in addition to the form, recipients will also have the option to speak directly with a Program Officer to share their summary and provide feedback. Applicants are also welcome to contact us at any time with questions or feedback.

Kyle Aleekuk
Program Officer
647-498-7717 ext 115  


Past Recipients



Ilisarniq Series: Applying for Kajungiqsaut Grants

    • Who is eligible
    • Options for submission
    • Important deadlines
    • Guidance for filling out the application form
    • What kind of support materials are required
    • Selection criteria and process

Questions? For more information and assistance please contact:

Kyle Aleekuk
Program Officer
647.498.7717 ext. 115

Translation will be arranged for inquiries or requests in Inuktut. Please allow for extra time for staff responding to questions or making arrangements to speak directly with a translator.

Frequently Asked Questions
We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.