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Inuit Art Foundation and Partners Announce New Emergency Fund for Artists and Culture Workers

Jun 30, 2020
by IAQ

The Inuit Art Foundation, in collaboration with the Canada Council for the Arts, the Aboriginal Curatorial Collective, the Indigenous Performing Arts Alliance and the Indigenous Screen Office have announced a new source of funding for Inuit, First Nations and Métis working in the Arts and Culture sector during the COVID-19 pandemic. Community Cares: Emergency Response Fund for First Nations, Inuit and Métis Individuals Working in the Arts is designed to provide immediate support to Indigenous Arts and cultural workers affected by the pandemic. Applications will open on Friday, July 3rd here.

The fund aims to address the disproportionate effect COVID-19 has had on Indigenous communities by providing additional funding specifically for them. “Inuit artists of all genres are struggling right now because of cancelled exhibitions, shows, speaking engagements and sales,” said Dr. Heather Igloliorte, Board President at Inuit Art Foundation. “I wish to express our gratitude for this support. We welcome the opportunity to ensure that this assistance reaches Inuit and Inuvialuit across the North and South who need this support." 

Artists and cultural workers can apply for $1,000 for loss of income due to self-isolation, postponement or cancellation of travel, events or market access, reduced sales of work, or due to caring for family members or children, as well as other disruptions caused by the pandemic. In order to reduce barriers to access and quickly distribute funding, applicants will be able to apply online, via video submission, or by telephone if they do not have access to the internet. 

“The Council seeks to sustain First Nations, Inuit and Métis artists and arts and cultural organizations through this challenging time,” said Simon Brault, CEO and Director of Canada Council for the Arts, adding that the fund is, “essential to the renewal of relationships between Indigenous artists and Indigenous and non-Indigenous audiences.”

 It is a “truly community led initiative to support Indigenous artists,” added Steven Loft, who is Director of the Creating, Knowing and Sharing: The Arts and Cultures of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples program that manages the new fund. In total, the Canada Council for the Arts has committed $250,000 to the project. 

For assistance in accessing this fund on Monday, July 6th, please visit the Community Cares fund page.