Violet Flowers

Load Photo Heather Igloliorte


Violet Flowers is a self-taught seamstress and craftsperson from Postville, Nunatsiavut, NL with a passion for sewing. She says of her work, “As long as I can get materials and my fingers work I’ll keep going”. [1] Specializing in wearable articles such as mittens and moccasins, Flowers adorns her creations in fur, fringe and beadwork designs that echo sights from her hometown. Flowers has lived in Qipuqqaq, a small community on the coast of Labrador, since birth and has been making her crafts since her early 30s. [2] The biggest challenge she faces is access to materials, which she often has to travel great distances for. [3]

Flowers’ mother was an avid knitter who passed away when Violet was young. Without the chance to learn this skill from her mother, Flowers’ aunt taught her a few things about knitting. [4] This introduction to craft making fostered an interest that Flowers later explored in other crafts, expanding to create such articles of clothing as socks, slippers, mittens, jackets and boots. She now finds great enjoyment in making crafts for others and seeing how a piece will come together in the end. [5] Flowers says that if she were to learn another craft, it would be how to weave with grass like her late mother, taking advantage of the region’s rich supply of salt water grass, known as ivik. [6]

Flowers’ work is featured in the SakKijajuk: Art and Craft from Nunatsiavut exhibition that has visited five galleries across Canada. Her work can be found year round in Happy Valley-Goose Bay at Dorothy’s Craft Shop, or during the summer on the Qipuqqaq dock, ready to greet visitors who pass through on the ferry. Flowers also posts new creations to social media, selling across the province, as well as amongst the people of her home town. Working with creative freedom is a must, Flowers does not take commissions, preferring to work at her own pace and in her own style. Sewing is a way of life for Flowers, something she will continue to do so long as she has materials to sew and hands to work with. “I just love doing it, putting things together and seeing how it’ll turn out. I never get tired of it. If I wouldn’t get sleepy I could sew night and day” she chuckles. [7]

Artist Work

About Violet Flowers



Artistic Community:

Postville, NL

Date of Birth:

Artists may have multiple birth years listed as a result of when and where they were born. For example, an artist born in the early twentieth century in a camp outside of a community centre may not know/have known their exact date of birth and identified different years.