Paige Maciborski

Load Photo Courtesy the artist


Paige Maciborski is a self-taught graphic artist based in Edmonton, AB with familial ties to Iqaluktuuttiaq (Cambridge Bay), NU, whose practice focuses on drawing, painting and digital illustration. 

“Growing up, I’ve always loved creating art, but I didn’t get serious about it until the first lockdown of the [COVID-19] pandemic,” explains Maciborski, who decided to make the jump from pen and paper to digital images after receiving positive feedback from family and friends. [1] Her body of work is influenced by old school tattoos and explores themes of womanhood, identity and alternative culture. 

“I like to bridge the gap between urban and traditional culture,” says Maciborski, referring to her brightly-coloured illustrations featuring bold, black outlines that combine traditional style tattoo motifs with elements of Inuit culture. In her work you can expect to see classic pin-up girls adorned with tunniit and Inuit garments, daggers paired with uluit and the classic ‘Mom’ heart tattoo replaced with the word ‘Anaana.’ She views her practice as a way to engage with her Inuit identity and community, while normalizing a variety of expressions around beauty and sexuality.

Maciborski cites the women in her life as inspirations for her work, saying “I’ve been really thankful to have grown up around very strong women who have always influenced me to be myself and not care what anyone has to say,” adding the music of Tanya Tagaq as an important influence. 

In addition to her digital practice, Maciborski currently works as a body piercer and is training as a tattoo apprentice. She hopes to move onto larger scale projects and paint a mural in the future.  


This Profile was made possible through support from RBC Emerging Artists.

Artist Work

About Paige Maciborski


Digital Media, Graphic Arts, Painting

Artistic Community:

Edmonton, AB