Linda Palliser

Load Photo Artist


Linda Palliser is a seamstress, jewelry maker and grass-worker from Rigolet, Nunatsiavut, NL. Learning from her mother’s teachings, she developed a great understanding of local materials. Palliser enjoys grass-working with lyme grass, harvested along the roadside or near the salt water. Palliser’s grass-work features well thought out geometric patterns that often portray local flora. Also utilizing materials such as moose hide, sealskin, leather, duffle and fur she creates mitts, slippers and earrings. These wears are then decorated with intricate beadwork designs that draw inspiration from traditional symbolism and the nature around her. From inception, material collection, crafting, to distribution, her artwork is wholly local and she markets her work at local craft centres and businesses [1].

Artist Work

About Linda Palliser


Jewellery, Textile

Artistic Community:

Rigolet, NL