Caitlyn Baikie

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Caitlyn Baikie is a seamstress and jewelry maker from Nain, Nunatsiavut, NL. Her craft began in 2018 and has quickly drawn interest far and wide for her professional and chic designs. Learning from and influenced by her family of artists, her mom, sister and aunts taught Baikie how to sew sealskin, sparking her interest to expand to a number of different crafts and mediums. Baikie’s use of sealskin, antler, fur and leather lends her jewelry, slippers, mitts, pins and brooches to a distinct look that she has made all her own. [1]

Alongside her artwork, Baikie is a trailblazer. Named as one of the top 5 Indigenous leaders under 30 to watch and one of Canada’s top 30 under 30 sustainability leaders. Publishing articles on Arctic social and physical sciences, speaking at National and International conferences, as well as managing education programs for Inuit youth. Baikie has done many things for her communities and continues with her work for national advocacy organization, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, as a policy advisor. [2] 

Her work gives back to her community and continues the tradition of Inuit craftsmanship that strives to be your best self and express your experience. You can find Baikie’s work on her website, social media pages and in local craft shops. [1]

This Profile was made possible through support from the RBC Foundation’s Emerging Artists Project.

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About Caitlyn Baikie



Artistic Community:

Nain, NL