• Feature

How an Inuit Photographer Found Comfort Inside During a Global Pandemic

Intermural: Between the walls

Jul 19, 2021
by Chris P. Sampson

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have spread far and wide, changing the way we live, work and create. It has forced us to go inwards, physically and spiritually, as we reposition ourselves in a world turned upside down. A year on, we asked four Inuit photographers what the pandemic has meant for them in their personal life and their practice. Here is the story of Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL born photographer Chris P. Sampson:


Chris P. Sampson
Shredding (2021) Digital photograph

Home becomes so much more when it is also a safe haven from a global pandemic. The walls have felt a little like a fortress at times.


Chris P. Sampson
Sirius and Orion (2021) Digital photograph

Finding comfort at home and having a full pantry has been super important, but I also find myself framing the world through the lovely big windows in our rental: watching Orion and Sirius from our bedroom window or observing the giant maple tree in the front yard as the sun sets.

Spending more time inside has made me more thankful for our view.


Chris P. Sampson
Maple Tree (2021) Digital photograph

This pandemic also reminds me of how incredibly lucky I am to have someone to lean on and trust during this very challenging time. I have never been as loved and cared for as I am now with my wife, Kelly.


Chris P. Sampson
Morning Light (2021) Digital photograph

I hope to get back to portraiture and travel postpandemic. My favourite time to have a camera in tow is when I’m making portraits and seeking out architectural photos during travel.

Photography has always been therapeutic for me and helps me really focus on the present. I’m not sure I’ve needed it more than during this time.


Chris P. Sampson
In For The Night (2021) Digital photograph

This Feature was originally published in the Summer 2021 issue of the Inuit Art Quarterly.

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